Hajj and Umrah Services

We provide Hajj and Umrah Services in Kenya. Our goal is to make this experience as seamless as possible. We want you to have peace of mind while you prepare to go on this journey. Our company has all it takes to make your pilgrimage journey a success.Contact us today for affordable Hajj and Umrah packages in Kenya

Safarijet Adventures takes care of your travel documents, transport, registration, medical documents and even the accomodation facility. As a way to make things smooth for you, we recommend you to the best doctors for your medical checkups. Our staff has exceptional organizational skills that goes a long way to making things easy for you.
Why choose our Hajj and Umrah Services in Kenya?
Without any shadow of a doubt, there are so many agencies that provide muslim pilgrimage services. There are so many muslims in Kenya that strive to go to Mekka and Madina one time. It is a holy journey that staunch muslim pilgrims want to go to perfom hajj and umrah.

Here comes the pertinent question. Why should you trust us over other agencies? Let’s dive right in and see some of the reasons you would consider:

You need someone who has experience and leadership qualities that can not be questionable. We have a group of muslim leaders that will lead you in performing the Hajj and Umrah process to the very end.

Our staff helps you find the most cost-effective hajj and umrah packages in Kenya. Every person who plans to travel is always working on a budget. We understand you are the price-taker, Hence, the variety of options we offer you.

For our mothers and sisters on this holy journey, we have well trained female guides. These guides are very instrumental in helping the ladies perform their hajj and umrah.

Time is everything in almosy every aspect of our lives. Getting someone that can help you save on that time, is a very important part of your journey. We help you secure cheap air tickets to and from Mecca and Madina and also help you in processing your VISA.

NB : It is our appeal that when booking for your hajj and umrah journey, you at least do it 6months in advance since the VISA processing takes time.

Food and Accomodation
As we all know, if you are in bad health, or when you eat bad food, you can not perform all rules of hajj and umrah. Therefore, we try our level best to serve food that meets the highest safety and quality standards.

You will be hosted in 3-star to 5-star hotels throughout the time you are perfoming Hajj and Umrah. The accomodation facility here, gives you value for your money.

Special Health Care
Since you are a guest of Allah, we try our level best to co-ordinate with the best health facilities or special healthcare services providers, just in case of emergencies. Being in the right shape, can go a long way in ensuring you successfully complete this holy journey.

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Quote Details

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ID Front and Back or Passport | Passport Photo
Drag and drop files here or Browse
ID Front and Back or Passport | Passport Photo
Company who cares
Company who cares
Trips Includes
Trips Includes
Free wifi
Free wifi
Comfortable Transport
Comfortable Transport


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Contact Info

Safarijet Adventures, 680 Hotel Building, 3rd Floor, Nairobi, Kenya

Call: (+254) 741 57 97 63 | (+254) 725 25 67 42

Email: info@safarijetadventure.com

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